RESTORE YOUR CONFIDENCE. Take back your practice and your life.

During this Complimentary ON-LINE LIVE EVENT, together, we’ll MAP OUT YOUR

“6-Week Rapid Recovery Plan”

A colleague appreciation On-Line Live Event
by Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

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Thursday , May 21
8:30 PM Eastern Time
Dr. Tom "The Gems Guy" Orent

Over the last 20+ years I’ve helped thousands of dentists in 48 countries rescue practices on the brink of bankruptcy… showing them the path not only to “survive,” but to thrive. During deep recessions. Dentists in Detroit when the car manufacturers failed and many businesses boarded up, for years. Doctors in Louisiana where streets became rivers and the economy took years to rebuild.

“I have a very small practice. My town has had ZERO growth for 6 years and my efforts to get patients weren’t working. Before GEMS my practice was losing patients. Thanks to Tom and GEMS I’m back to loving dentistry again!

It took just two weeks for me to see our production double!

They start with what Tom likes to call “The low hanging fruit.”  Easy techniques that really make a big difference in the health of your patient and your practice! After just two weeks my team was so excited when they saw how much we’d improved without that much effort. They love it!

I never expected to do this well this quickly. Tom’s Gems have changed my life. Just one doc and a small Team… but thanks to GEMS, a BIG INCREASE of $430,204!”

Dr. Terrie Cribbs
Knoxville, Tennessee


“Dr. Orent’s Gems have reduced my anxiety significantly to where I’m making much more money, yet I really don’t feel I’m working quite as hard as I used to.

I have used other consultants and had some varying degrees of success with them, but I also had some significant disappointments. They all preach a very good story and give you a lot of promises. Dr. Orent, he’s been there, had significant struggles. He’s walked in our shoes. He shares REAL WORLD experience of how he turned his two practices around.”

With Dr. Orent, we’ve added 108 EXTRA New Patients and $831,036 EXTRA Collections Per Year!!!

It’s huge finally having money to spend on things that are just fun. It can’t be all work. You do have to have a life outside of dentistry and when you don’t have enough money it makes it a significant challenge to do that.

Dr. Ken Rasbornik
Cleveland, North Carolina

Mapping Out Your 6-Week Rapid Recovery Plan

Mapping Out
Your 6-Week
Rapid Recovery Plan

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Thursday , May 21
8:30 PM Eastern Time

”There was no way to get out of practicing dentistry until I died. I had just finished educating the kids and didn’t have very much put aside. My practice revenues stagnated. Annual net was going down, and I hated the thought of bankruptcy. I was 67 years old and I had no way out financially.

Before GEMS I couldn’t even think about retirement. When I met Tom, I had just about nothing put away for the future. We’ve added $339,296.00 this year, and today I have close to $1,000,000.00 socked away for retirement! The best part of GEMS for me is the fact that I could retire now if I want to and I don’t want to. My stress level is zero, and my family life has gotten better because we’re able to spend more time together.”

Dr. Curtis Zeringue
Raceland, Louisiana


“I know how it feels to struggle in practice. During my first 10 years I was in the bottom 5% of our profession. 20 years later I was 55 years old with no viable plan for a financially stress-free retirement.  Then I met Tom.  I saw a path to help me reach my elusive retirement goals. In just 2 short years I was able to step away from patient care and just manage. Fast forward 10 years and It doesn’t seem possible...

I have used Tom’s “Gems” to leverage my ambition, create a Dream Team and build a dental machine.  Last year we did $17,000,000. The door is open for you right here, right now. The opportunity is there for a reason. I don’t know how you’ve come to this door, but I urge you to step on through.”

Dr. Kelly Brown
Guthrie, Oklahoma  

My name is Dr. Tom Orent, aka “The Gems Guy.”  The “Gems” concept all started decades ago when I found myself $1,000,000.00 in debt, embezzled by my office manager, divorced by my wife, and sitting in the office of a Boston bankruptcy attorney. I came within 3 days of losing my practice and my home. I fought the urge to give up. Avoided bankruptcy. Dug out, rebuilding my practice and my life. Sold my practices at age 46 and could have retired forever. But I love helping dentists. I can help you, now.

Just How Bad Is It Really?

I’m a “realistic optimist.” I’m always looking for the silver lining and consciously avoid wasting my time “worrying” about the negative, especially those things over which I have zero control. I don’t yell, “Chicken Little, Chicken Little, the sky is falling!” But… If anyone tells you we’re not heading into what is likely to be the deepest recession of our lives they have their head in the sand.

Bad News, Good News

Last week, in the Wall Street Journal, “WASHINGTON -- The International Monetary Fund said that the global economy has almost certainly entered a recession affecting most of the world, with a severity unmatched by anything aside from the Great Depression.”

The good news is that there will be general dentists in solo and small group private practices who not only recover in 2020… but who will THRIVE. Guaranteed. Sure, many will retire early. Some will go bankrupt. You have FAR MORE CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU NEXT than you can possibly imagine.
Knowing that many of our colleagues are going to recover quickly and do just fine… realizing that some will do better than they ever have… the question to ask yourself… “Why shouldn’t that be you?!”

Mapping Out Your 6-Week Rapid Recovery Plan

Mapping Out
Your 6-Week
Rapid Recovery Plan

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Thursday , May 21
8:30 PM Eastern Time

During this Program You’ll DISCOVER  

Identify your patients’ greatest concern and you’ll have taken a giant step towards welcoming them back to your practice post-COVID 19. HINT: Sure, they’re concerned about infection control, but this issue goes way deeper than that and cannot be solved by infection control measures.

What many of your patients would appreciate the most, dentists offer the least. In fact, 90% of dentists have never given this breakthrough concept a thought. It’s easy to deploy, will cost you nothing and in fact will be more productive in less time.

The one Gem you can do for your patients that few if any of your local competition would ever consider. Deploy this Gem and you’ll be busier than you can imagine, right out of the gate, post-COVID.

Why deploying “The one Gem your local competition would never consider” will ALSO make your team really happy!

How applying Alan’s concept of taking 27 weeks off per year (yes, you read that right) could actually help you address your patients’ greatest post-virus concern. Sure, this sounds counterintuitive… before the pandemic we took 3 weeks off per year. After the virus now we’re going to take 27 weeks off? 

The short answer is YES. During the webinar you’ll learn exactly how to accomplish taking more time off… making your patients happier, and your practice more productive.

Avoid this innocent verbal error which could cost you patients during the “new normal.” You can train your team on this one important sentence in less time than it takes to pour your morning cup of Java.

The ingenious scheduling secret GEM deployed by one of my Gems Family members, helping her achieve $5,000,000.00 per year… in a single location!

This 20-year paradigm shift could fill your chairs with appreciative patients who’ll actually LOOK FORWARD to visiting your practice.

Discover the paradox of reducing your dependence on managed care at just the time (post-COVID) you thought you could least afford to do so by laser-focused target marketing to this patient.

Even if you identify and conquer your patients’ greatest concern and they’re willing to show up in your office, this NEW OBSTACLE will prevent many of your best patients from scheduling recommended care, unless you train your team exactly what to say when patients are about to walk out your front door without scheduling needed care.

Learn your “Gems Ratio” in order to make one of the smartest business decisions to potentially add MULTIPLE SIX FIGURES to your revenue.

 Discover a simple formula for RISK MITIGATION and MAXIMUM PROFITABILITY. 

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Thursday , May 21
8:30 PM Eastern Time

 Mrs. Jones, a brand-new patient, walks in through your front door. No referral. Seems like a very nice lady. She recently moved to your area from out-of-state. This morning she broke her front right central clean in half. She’s a server at a local diner and she’s got to be at work for the dinner shift tonight. She needs a root canal, build-up and temporary crown. She’s highly motivated to accept and commence the care you’ve recommended. EXCEPT for one thing… 

 Discover what I gave nearly every patient that didn’t cost me a penny yet was often appreciated more than their words could express. You can (SHOULD) deploy this Gem the day you return to practice. Once you do, when you see the reaction in your patients' eyes (and hearts) you’ll want to continue to do this until the day you hang up your drill. 

 Mike was only 6-years old when visiting his grandfather’s farm, he learned a lesson far beyond his years… a lesson that would last him a lifetime. When you discover the “Gem” Mikey learned that day on the farm, you’ll know how to engage and RALLY YOUR TEAM to help you rebuild your practice and your lives. 

Looking forward to having you with us!
Dr. Tom "The Gems Guy" Orent

Remember... you're just one gem away!
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